Post date: 2020, 17 March
This call for proposals is launched in the framework of the Council of Europe Strategic Action Plan for Roma and Traveller Inclusion (2020 - 2025) Priority 5.2. Support democratic governance and promote public trust and accountability. It aims to co-fund national projects aimed at fostering the political participation of Roma. The Council of Europe is looking for grantees to organise Roma Political Schools in the following countries: Greece, Italy, Portugal, Turkey and Ukraine.
Post date: 2017, 30 March
On 28 March 2017, the ROMED Joint Programme of the Council of Europe and European Commission reached its closing phase through a seminar organised within the European Commission’s Berlaymont Building, entitled “Taking Stock and Looking Forward”. High-level representatives of the European Commission, including First Vice-President Frans Timmermans, as well as two Members of the European Parliament (EPP Group), Ms Corazza Bildt and Mr Cristian Preda, addressed the audience...
Post date: 2017, 9 March
On 7 March 2017 the Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights was visiting Torres Vedras in Portugal, one of the 54 municipalities where ROMED2 is implemented.
Learn more about what was done in Torres Vedras here: and here:
“It is heartening to see the positive changes brought about by the participation of Roma mediators in local government and the involvement of community groups in decision making to tackle issues such as...
Post date: 2017, 13 January
"Effective participation of Roma communities" has been the mantra of international efforts for Roma inclusion for the past decade. But exactly how is it achieved? Who are the main actors and how should the community, local authorities and other stakeholders be engaged?
As the title indicates, these Guidelines address those persons either from within (local facilitators, mediators) or from outside (national facilitators) of the community who would like to...
Post date: 2016, 7 December
During the past weeks "Parovel", our short documentary based on the ROMED experiences in Moura, Bucharest, Elvas and Valea Seaca, was accepted in three film festivals in Serbia, Ukraine and Nigeria.
FreeNetWorld is an international film festival which aims to support and promote the creativity of film and authors from all over the world, primarily through the Internet. The aim of this festival is to present the important and innovative films of high artistic value from the...
Post date: 2016, 25 November
The Conference organised on 24 and 25 November 2016 by the ROMED2 team in Hungary focuses on "The role of Roma mediation in cultivating dialogue at local level".
It was in 2011 that ROMED first started in Hungary through Training of Mediators. Then, in 2014 a new step towards Roma community organising was taken, building on the experience of trained mediators. The conference serves as a milestone in the acknowledgement of the results of the ROMED process in the municipalities where...
Post date: 2016, 25 August
Following a Call for Tenders for the Services of the evaluation of the ROMED Programme launched in January 2016, a team of external evaluators of Blomeyer & Sanz s.l. has been intensively working throughout the first semester of 2016.
The result is a full report on the evaluation of both ROMED1 (‘European Training Programme on intercultural mediation for Roma Communities’) and ROMED2 (Democratic Governance and Community Participation through Mediation) Joint Programmes of...
Post date: 2016, 18 August
In addition to the newly released Call for Expression of Interest for National Project Officers and National Focal Points, the Council of Europe and European Union are now recruiting facilitators to integrate the National Support Teams in Germany, Greece, Hungary, Portugal, Spain and Ukraine.
ROMED2 is a Joint Programme of the Council of Europe and European Commission’s DG EAC, which aims to stimulate democratic governance and Roma community participation through mediation at local level...
Post date: 2016, 18 August
ROMED2 is a Joint Programme of the Council of Europe and European Commission’s DG EAC, which aims to stimulate democratic governance and Roma community participation through mediation at local level. The programme has been implemented since 2013 in 54 municipalities in 11 countries.
Over the forthcoming period, as it enters into a new phase - ROMED2 Transition - the Programme will remain active in close to 40 locations in Germany, Greece, Hungary, Portugal, Spain and Ukraine with...
Post date: 2016, 5 August
The ROMED2 Programme was initiated in Greece in October 2013, after the implementation of ROMED1 where over 100 mediators were trained and certified based on the ROMED1 methodology.
Out of the 7 municipalities initially selected, 5 function according to the ROMED2 methodology of Democratic governance through community participation: Community Action Groups made up of Roma citizens were created and trained on topics such as "Reflection on Local Decision Making Processes", "...
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