
Post date: 2016, 5 July
The Ad-Hoc Committee of Experts on Roma and Travellers issues (CAHROM) of the Council of Europe has just released a thematic report on health mediators. It comprises a country-by-country description on the situation of health mediators, good practices identified as well as possible follow-up for the improvement of the employment situation of health mediators in the country of focus. The thematic group on Roma health mediators was set up following a proposal  to host a thematic visit made...
Post date: 2016, 30 June
During the past week two reports were issued by the European Commission (EC) or to the attention of the EC, in which the ROMED and ROMACT joint programmes are highlighted as initiatives of importance for the capacity building and cooperation with communities and local authorities.   On 27 June 2016, the EC issued a Communication to the other EU institutions on the assessment of the implementation of National Roma Integration Strategies. It reports on the overall conclusions regarding...
Post date: 2016, 27 May
Seeking different ways to work towards the institutionalisation and employability of Roma mediators, aimed by the ROMED1 Programme – “Intercultural mediation for Roma communities”, in 2015 the Ukrainian ROMED National Support Team proposed to conduct express, advanced courses on Mediation in Roma communities for social workers and local authorities starting with May and until July 2015. Over 150 people were trained and received certificates upon completion of the express...
Post date: 2016, 21 April
via CEU Summer University - Performing Romani Identities: Strategy and Critique In cooperation with Open Society Foundations Public Health Program, Council of Europe and Roma Education Fund The Summer School will focus on the nexus between Romani studies and performance, with special attention paid to questions of visual culture and representation. The disquiet around increasing violence against and marginalization of Roma across Europe lends this course a special urgency. The course...
Post date: 2016, 19 April
The ROMED2 Programme was initiated in Portugal in March 2014, after the implementation of ROMED1 where 30 mediators were trained and certified based on the ROMED1 methodology. Out of the 9 municipalities initially selected, 7 function according to the ROMED2 methodology of Democratic governance through community participation: Community Action Groups made up of Roma citizens were created and trained on topics such as "Reflection on Local Decision Making Processes", " Citizens...
Zon Weisz during the 3rd Roma Summit © European Commission
Post date: 2014, 11 April
Le 4 avril passé, la Commission européenne a organisé le 3ème Sommet des Roms à Bruxelles - la première réunion de haut niveau sur le sujet depuis la création du Cadre éuropéen pour les stratégies nationales d'intégration des Roms, en 2011. Les différents groupes de discussions étaient consitutées de représentants de haut niveau, y compris le président de la Commission...
Zoni Weisz at the 3r Roma Summit © European Commission
Post date: 2014, 11 April
On 4th of April, the European Commission organised the 3rd Roma Summit in Brussels – the first high profile meeting since the creation of the EU framework for national Roma integration strategies in 2011. The panels included high-level representatives, including EC President Barrosso, Vice-President Reding, and Commissioners Andor (Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion), Vassiliou (Education, Culture, Multilingualism and Youth), Borg (Health and Consumer Policy), as well as heads of...
Post date: 2014, 26 February
Article by Szilvia Rezmüves - National Project Officer for ROMED2/ROMACT in Hungary   During the past weeks and months, new developments have taken place in Hungary within the ROMED2 process for Democratic Governance and Roma Community participation through mediation. Thus, a preparatory training for mediators took place in Budapest from 9 - 11 December 2013 the aim of which was to strengthen the ability of mediators and learn the intervention of ROMED2-ROMACT in the selected...
Post date: 2014, 24 February
Un évènement donnant suite à la 4ème Conférence Internationale des femmes roms a eu lieu à Strasbourg le 17 février 2014, réunissant 15 femmes roms, expertes dans les problématiques des femmes roms en Roumanie, République Tchèque, Lituanie, Ukraine, Finlande, Turquie, Portugal, Espagne, Royaume Uni, République de Moldova et «l’ex-République yougoslave de Macédoine ...
Post date: 2014, 24 February
A follow up event to the Helsinki 4th International Romani Women’s Conference took place in Strasbourg on the 17th February 2014 gathering 15 Roma women, experts in the Romani Women Issues from Romania, Czech Republic, Lithuania, Ukraine, Finland, Turkey, Portugal, Spain, United Kingdom, Republic of Moldova and “the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia”. It intended to take stock of the results of the Finnish Conference and build on the conclusions and recommendations made by...


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