Phenjalipe - Expert Meeting on the "Roadmap for implementing the Strategy on Romani Women's Issues (2013-2020)"

A follow up event to the Helsinki 4th International Romani Women’s Conference took place in Strasbourg on the 17th February 2014 gathering 15 Roma women, experts in the Romani Women Issues from Romania, Czech Republic, Lithuania, Ukraine, Finland, Turkey, Portugal, Spain, United Kingdom, Republic of Moldova and “the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia”. It intended to take stock of the results of the Finnish Conference and build on the conclusions and recommendations made by the Romani Women present during the Conference. The aim of the meeting was to elaborate a Roadmap for implementing the Strategy on Romani Women’s Issues (2013-2020) which will be implemented by Romani women with the support of other Roma activists, international organisations, governments and other stakeholders.

A second day was dedicated for exchanges between the teams of the ROMED and ROMACT Programmes and a group of the Roma women, in order to find concrete ways of introducing gender mainstreaming within their activities. As a result of the meeting, concrete proposals have been made in terms of calendar of activities where representatives of the Phenjalipe movement will intervene, as well as concrete steps in order to introduce gender as a more structured and consolidated feature of the programmes.

The relationship between ROMED/ROMACT and Phenjalipe is particularly close since National Project Officers/National Focal Points in certain national support teams of the two programmes are also members of the Roma Women's movement.

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