Call for proposals for grants for the organisation of Roma Political Schools - Deadline 17 April 2020

This call for proposals is launched in the framework of the Council of Europe Strategic Action Plan for Roma and Traveller Inclusion (2020 - 2025) Priority 5.2. Support democratic governance and promote public trust and accountability. It aims to co-fund national projects aimed at fostering the political participation of Roma. The Council of Europe is looking for grantees to organise Roma Political Schools in the following countries: Greece, Italy, Portugal, Turkey and Ukraine.


Please read carefully all documents of the Call

Documents to be submitted:

  • the completed and signed Application Form (See Appendix I), please also provide a copy of this document in word;
  • a provisional budget (using the template reproduced in Appendix II), please also provide a copy of the budget in excel;
  • the other supporting documents:

   - CVs of the proposed coordinators and participants/mentors

   - document certifying the registration of the non-profit entity;

   - bank /financial statements authorized by a financial officer of the applicant;

   - contact details of referees;
Applications that are incomplete will not be considered.
The application form completed and signed, together with the supporting documents, must be submitted in electronic form (preferably Word and PDF, please also provide the excel version of the estimated budget and word version of the application form) to the following e-mail address: . Emails should contain the following reference in subject: Call for proposals – GRANTS – Roma Political Schools 2020.
Applications must be received before 17 April 2020 (at 23:59 CET). Applications received after the above-mentioned date will not be considered.
Call for Proposals
Appendix I - Application form
Appendix II – Estimated budget

Questions and answers

Q: Can applications be submitted in partnership?
A: Applications must be submitted by the main applicant. Only the main applicant will bear the legal responsibility for the implementation of the proposed action. The grant agreement shall be concluded between Council of Europe and the main applicant. All partners that will contribute to the implementation of the proposed action must be mention in sections 5. Description of proposed activities/workshops and 8. Applicant’s operational capacity of the application form. The role and added value of the partners is to be detailed in the sections mentioned above. The main applicant is responsible to formalize the working relationship with the partners according to national regulations and legislation. Any change related to the applicant and their partners shall be communicated to the Council of Europe contact point via the channels mentioned in the call.
Q: Will the deadline for submitting applications be postponed due to the COVID19 crisis?
A: The Council of Europe considers that the application process itself is not to be affected by the current health crisis. Applicants are invited to submit their applications before the deadline mentioned by the call. Eventual delays or postponement of the activities related to this call shall be communicated in due time to the applicants. At the moment no delay or postponement of any kind is foreseen.
Q: Is there any possibility to include more countries in the organisation of the Roma Political School other than the ones mention by the call?
A: The countries mentioned by the call for proposals are pilot countries for the organisation of the Roma Political Schools. These countries have been selected to pilot the Roma Political Schools as a result of other Council of Europe activities in this field. It is often that the countries of the call are a peripherical target of the main donors and for this reason our attention was directed to them as they have scarce or no resources for the Roma political participation field. At the moment the funding for the organisation of the Roma Political Schools is limited to the countries mentioned by the call due to financial limitations. Only applications coming from the countries mentioned by the call shall be considered to be funded.  If interest is shown and funding becomes available, the list of countries may be expanded. All of the information on this subject shall be published of the Council of Europe communication platforms.


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