Post date: 2020, 17 March
This call for proposals is launched in the framework of the Council of Europe Strategic Action Plan for Roma and Traveller Inclusion (2020 - 2025) Priority 5.2. Support democratic governance and promote public trust and accountability. It aims to co-fund national projects aimed at fostering the political participation of Roma. The Council of Europe is looking for grantees to organise Roma Political Schools in the following countries: Greece, Italy, Portugal, Turkey and Ukraine.
Post date: 2019, 23 April
This call for proposals is launched in the framework of the Council of Europe Project on implementing Priority 3 on promoting innovative models for local-level solutions of the Thematic Action Plan on the Inclusion of Roma and Travellers. It aims to co-fund national projects aimed at fostering the political participation of Roma. The Council of Europe is looking for grantees to organise Roma Political Schools in the following countries: Greece, Italy, Portugal, Turkey and Ukraine.
Post date: 2015, 9 November
The Council of Europe is establishing a pool of Facilitators to work with public administration services in the municipalities included in the ROMACT Programme - political will and understanding of Roma inclusion at local and regional level in the following Member States: BULGARIA, CZECH REPUBLIC, HUNGARY, ITALY, ROMANIA and SLOVAK REPUBLIC.
ROMACT promotes the cooperation between the Roma communities and the public authorities, through mutual working strategies, shared ownership and commitment...
Post date: 2015, 9 November
The Council of Europe is establishing a pool of experts in local governance and access to EU funding to work within the National Support Teams of the ROMACT Programme in Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Hungary, Italy, Romania and Slovak Republic.
ROMACT promotes the cooperation between the Roma communities and the public authorities, through mutual working strategies, shared ownership and commitment to an open dialogue. ROMACT provides support to local administration to implement inclusive good...
Post date: 2014, 19 August
The European Commission recently published the Summary of the Partnership Agreement with each EU member state as well as a fact-sheet concerning the Cohesion Policy for the next MFF (Multiannual Financial Framework 2014 - 2020).
In 2014-2020, Italy will manage around 50 operational programmesunder EU Cohesion Policy. This proposal, as with national programmes, is still in negotiation and should be confirmed during the first half of 2014.
Post date: 2014, 15 January
Les programmes ROMACT et ROMED2 seront officiellement lancés en Italie le 18 janvier 2014 à l’occasion d’une conférence qui se tiendra à Milan. Cette conférence sera ouverte par Madame Gabriella BATTAINI-DRAGONI, Secrétaire Générale Adjointe du Conseil de l’Europe, Madame Cécile KYENGE, Ministre italienne de l’intégration, Madame Maria Cecilia GUERRA, Vice-Ministre italienne du travail et des...
Post date: 2014, 15 January
On 18 January 2014, the ROMACT and the ROMED 2 Programmes will be officially launched in Italy, during a conference to be held in Milan. This event will be opened by Mrs Gabriella BATTAINI-DRAGONI, Deputy Secretary General of the Council of Europe, Ms Cécile KYENGE, Italian Minister of Integration, Ms Maria Cecilia GUERRA, Italian Vice-Minister of Labour and Social Policies and Mr John WARMISHAM, Vice-President of the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of the Council of...
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