After two years of implementation in 22 countries and over 1000 mediators trained, the ROMED2 Programme is about to be launched.
The new approach in ROMED2 is about building up the capacity of Roma communities to participate in democratic governance through mediation.
The countries of implementation for this new phase of ROMED are Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia and “the former Yugoslav republic of Macedonia”. In five of these countries (Hungary, Bulgaria, Romania, Slovakia and Italy) a new joint initiative of the Council of Europe and the European Commission, ROMACT will also be launched, with the aim of building the political commitment of local authorities and their capacity of policy development. The action of the two programmes is meant to be complementary in empowering Roma and capacitating local authorities with the common aim of bringing Roma on a level playing field as full citizens within their municipalities.
Make sure to follow our website and facebook page for news on launch events, national workshops and implementation in general.
Below a provisional list of events for the following weeks:
Additional sessions of the first phase of ROMED will take place in Ukraine, France, Switzerland and “the former Yugoslav republic of Macedonia”
More material providing details on the functioning of ROMACT and ROMED2 are to be published soon on our website.
Strasbourg, 11/10/2013