
Post date: 2017, 6 February
The 2nd Romed Training of Mediators (ToM) took place from 2 to 4 February in Tenerife (Spain). The training is a result of an ongoing cooperation between the Council of Europe , local authorities, Universidad de La Laguna (ULL) and Cabildo de Tenerife. A motivated group of mediators has successfully completed this phase of the Programme. After the two training sessions, they will soon start with their practical part of the process by working for six months in different municipalities and other...
Post date: 2016, 5 July
The Ad-Hoc Committee of Experts on Roma and Travellers issues (CAHROM) of the Council of Europe has just released a thematic report on health mediators. It comprises a country-by-country description on the situation of health mediators, good practices identified as well as possible follow-up for the improvement of the employment situation of health mediators in the country of focus. The thematic group on Roma health mediators was set up following a proposal  to host a thematic visit made...
Membres du groupe d'action communautaire ROMED2
Post date: 2014, 16 January
Raport de Liliya Makaveeva et Orhan Tahir – Coordinateurs nationaux de ROMED2 et ROMACT en Bulgarie. Le 14 janvier dernier, journée du St Vasili en Bulgarie et Nouvel an romani, le groupe d'action communautaire ROMED2 de la municipalité de Byala Slatina, en coopération avec le maire de Byala Slatina, ont organisé un évenement où ont participé plus de 120 personnes de la communauté et des municipalités voisines. L'...
Members of the Community Action Group in Byala Slatina
Post date: 2014, 16 January
Article by Liliya Makaveeva and Orhan Tahir – National Project Officers for ROMED2 and ROMACT in Bulgaria. On 14 January, St Vasili Day in Bulgaria and the mark of the beginning of the Romani New Year, the ROMED Community Action Group of the municipality of Byala Slatina, in cooperation with the Mayor of Byala Slatina, organised the festivities for the event, where around 120 people participated from other localities. The event was possible also thanks to contributions of the municipality...
Post date: 2014, 6 January
Le 4 décembre 2013, ROMED2 a été officiellement lancé en Belgique lors d'un évenement où se sont rendus des représentants des divers niveaux administratifs en Belgique, représentants roms et médiateurs, ainsi que plusieurs bureaux régionax du SPP Intégration Sociale, Lutte contre la Pauvreté, Economie Sociale et Politique des Grandes Villes du Gouvernement fédéral. Le programme impliquera des...
Post date: 2014, 3 January
On 4th December 2013, ROMED2 was officially launched in Belgium during an event attended by representatives of the various administrative levels in Belgium, Roma representatives and mediators and several regional offices of the PPS Social Integration, Anti-Poverty Policy, Social Economy and Federal Urban Policy Department of the Federal Government. The Programme will involve Roma communities in the framework of the PPS SI, in adaptation to the Belgian context of democratic governance. The event...
Post date: 2013, 7 November
On 5 November, the ROMACT project, as well as the new phase of ROMED2, was officially launched in Slovakia, during a conference held in the City of Kosice. This event has been opened by Andreas Kiefer, Secretary General of the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of the Council of Europe, Koos Richelle, Director General for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion of the European Commission and Peter Pollák, Plenipotentiary of the Slovak Government for Roma Communities. On the...
Post date: 2013, 11 October
After two years of implementation in 22 countries and over 1000 mediators trained, the ROMED2 Programme is about to be launched. The new approach in ROMED2 is about building up the capacity of Roma communities to participate in democratic governance through mediation. The countries of implementation for this new phase of ROMED are Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia and “the former Yugoslav republic of Macedonia”. In five of...
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