ROMED2 Training of Trainers Session, Bucharest

The ROMED2 Training of Trainers session started yesterday in Bucharest, with many exciting items on the agenda and plenty of goodwill from all the people involved.

During the three intense training days, trainers from 11 countries (Belgium, Bulgaria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Greece, Hungary, Italy, “the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia”, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, and Ukraine) are learning about the ideas behind ROMED2 and contributing to the development of the curriculum on working with the communities and the institutions in achieving democratic governance and community participation through mediation. The National Support Teams will be completed with the arrival of the ROMED2/ROMACT National Project Officers’/National Focal Points’ that will join the trainers for meetings on the 17 and 18 December – follow our facebook page for more live updates on meetings.

The training is delivered by the ROMED pedagogical team: Anisoara Oprisan, Calin Rus, Christoph Leucht, Marius Jitea and Alexandra Raykova (excused). The whole organization of the event was possible due to great efforts from our Romanian partners, to which everyone is grateful for a perfect hosting of the session.

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