Sharing the experience of ROMED2: Study visit of a Turkish delegation to Bulgaria

Between the 4th and the 5th of May, a Turkish delegation comprising representatives from the Ministry of Family and Social Policies and of two NGOs working in the field of Roma rights, Sıfır Ayrımcılık Derneği [Zero Discrimination Association] and Sosyal Değişim Derneği [Association for Social Change] visited a number of locations of ROMED2/ROMACT in Bulgaria in order to get acquainted with the different models of Roma social inclusion interventions.

The ROMED2/ROMACT National Support Team members in Bulgaria guided the delegation from meetings with the National Contact Point for the implementation of the National Roma Integration Strategy, to field visits in Shumen and Tundzha municipalities, where they met with the municipal officials, as well as with members of the Community Action Groups.

The delegation will prepare a report which will be addressed to a number of ministries which are part of the Public Administration – Civil Society Dialogue Group for the Roma in Turkey, and more specifically to the team within the Ministry of Family and Social Policies who is responsible for the preparation of the National Roma Integration Strategy in Turkey. Additionally, the findings of the study visit will be included in the final report of the RODIMATA - Roma rights research project implemented by Zero Discrimination Association.

Study visit of a Turkish delegation in Bulgaria
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