Title: Second session - Training of Mediators in Greece, 3rd - 6th April, Athens, Greece

Beginning of April 2015, the National Support Team for ROMED in Greece organised the last session of Training of Mediators in the  3rd cycle of ROMED1 Programme in Greece. By the end of the training 25 participants received certificates as proof of the completion of the training, while the first day of the training was attended by representatives of six different ministries including the Ministry of Interior, Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Public Order and Citizen Protection. Representatives from four different regions and from six different municipalities also attended the training.

During this event, the necessity of connection and cooperation between the national, regional, municipal and community levels emerged. The latter can be involved through the Community Action Groups created through ROMED2 combined with the network of Mediators trained through ROMED1.

Ways to support the CAGs by combining several national programmes were also demonstrated during the training with the concrete example of a Program of the Ministry of Interior and the General Secretariat for Gender Equality, through which a group of women was trained on basic Principles of Intermediation. This group supported by psychologists, social-anthropologists and educators aims at facilitating the contact with school, public services, and local actors and could be adopted as a good practice by the different stakeholders and implemented elsewhere.

Needs for cooperation and exchange of good practices were at the centre of this training.

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