High level conference on Roma inclusion on the ground - The ROMACT experience

via European Commission website.

The European Commission - in cooperation with the Council of Europe - has convened a high level international conference in Brussels on 2 and 3 October 2014 to take stock of progress and lessons learned in integrating Roma at the local level with the support of the ROMACT programme.

This event will bring together more than 400 participants from more than 10 countries representing public authorities at EU, national and local level, international institutions and other stakeholders.

The draft agenda is available here (last update 18/08/2014): 

The event will provide a platform for Mayors and elected representatives from Roma communities to exchange about concrete successes and challenges in integrating marginalised Roma. Mayors will explain how they work with Roma, what are their needs and expectations and how ROMACT,  a joint programme of the European Commission and the Council of Europe, facilitates their work and supports their efforts.

ROMACT aims at building up the commitment of local authorities to Roma inclusion, so that local policies and public services become inclusive for all citizens, including Roma, and that - when necessary - municipalities apply for and use EU funds to implement Roma inclusion measures. This ensures that the EU framework for Roma Inclusion and National Roma Integration Strategies have an impact on the ground.

ROMACT is implemented in about 40 municipalities in Bulgaria, Romania, Hungary, Slovakia and Italy since 2013. It will soon be extended to other countries. It is carried out in synergy with the ROMED programme which aims at improving local democracy through mediation with Roma communities.

With this event the Commission and the Council of Europe will recognise efforts of local authorities in integrating Roma living on their territories through a process of inclusiveness and good governance.

Participation is by invitation. For more information, please contact empl-romact@ec.europa.eu.

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