Post date: 2016, 5 August
The ROMED2 Programme was initiated in Greece in October 2013, after the implementation of ROMED1 where over 100 mediators were trained and certified based on the ROMED1 methodology.
Out of the 7 municipalities initially selected, 5 function according to the ROMED2 methodology of Democratic governance through community participation: Community Action Groups made up of Roma citizens were created and trained on topics such as "Reflection on Local Decision Making Processes", "...
Post date: 2014, 31 March
Le Centre National de Documentation Pédagogique de l’Education Nationale française vient de publier la révue « Diversité », un premier numéro 2014 qui couvre le sujet de la médiation dans de divers contextes et son importance dans l’application des politiques sociales.
L’article intitulé « Les défis de la médiation scolaire auprès des familles roms » apparait en...
Post date: 2014, 31 March
The National Pedagogical Documentation Center (CNDP) of the French National Educational system just published its magazine “Diversité”, a first 2014 issue that deals with mediation in various contexts and its importance in the application of social policies.
The article entitled “The challenges in school mediation for Roma families” appearing in page 76 (French only), was co-written by Aurora Ailincai – coordinator of the ROMED and ROMACT Programmes, and...
Post date: 2014, 15 January
Les programmes ROMACT et ROMED2 seront officiellement lancés en Italie le 18 janvier 2014 à l’occasion d’une conférence qui se tiendra à Milan. Cette conférence sera ouverte par Madame Gabriella BATTAINI-DRAGONI, Secrétaire Générale Adjointe du Conseil de l’Europe, Madame Cécile KYENGE, Ministre italienne de l’intégration, Madame Maria Cecilia GUERRA, Vice-Ministre italienne du travail et des...
Post date: 2014, 15 January
On 18 January 2014, the ROMACT and the ROMED 2 Programmes will be officially launched in Italy, during a conference to be held in Milan. This event will be opened by Mrs Gabriella BATTAINI-DRAGONI, Deputy Secretary General of the Council of Europe, Ms Cécile KYENGE, Italian Minister of Integration, Ms Maria Cecilia GUERRA, Italian Vice-Minister of Labour and Social Policies and Mr John WARMISHAM, Vice-President of the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of the Council of...
Post date: 2013, 26 November
Following a series of launch events in Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, Slovakia and “the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia”, the ROMED2 Programme on democratic governance and community participation through mediation was launched in Bosnia and Herzegovina on the 19th November 2013.
A broad range of stakeholders took part in the meeting, with the Ministry for Human Rights and Refugees in Bosnia and Herzegovina represented by Ms Saliha Duderija, also a member of the CAHROM Committee...
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