ROMED External Evaluation Report published!

Following a Call for Tenders for the Services of the evaluation of the ROMED Programme launched in January 2016, a team of external evaluators of Blomeyer & Sanz s.l. has been intensively working throughout the first semester of 2016.

The result is a full report on the evaluation of both ROMED1 (‘European Training Programme on intercultural mediation for Roma Communities’)  and ROMED2 (Democratic Governance and Community Participation through Mediation) Joint Programmes of the Council of Europe and European Commission's DG EAC. The main report contains a description of how both programmes have been implemented, the impact and achievements they have induced as well as recommendations towards the improvement of the implementation. The annexes comprise country findings in the seven focus countries of the evaluation: Bulgaria, Hungary, Portugal, Romania, Slovak Republic, "the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia" and Ukraine. Case studies in 15 locations in the focus countries help illustrate precisely how the programmes were implemented at local level, showcasing in a transparent manner the achievements as well as the challenges encountered at the local level.

The executive summary and final synthesis report provide in brief the context, findings and recommendations of the evaluation.
Please consult the documents attached to this article for full information on the evaluation.

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